Interested in becoming a tournament sponsor or taking a tour of Sunshine Acres? We’d be happy to answer any questions you may have about the Shootout for Sunshine Golf Tournament or Sunshine Acres.
More Info:
Sunshine Acres is a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) charity organization which provides a loving, Christian home for 70 needy children.
(480) 832-2540
3405 N. Higley Road, Mesa, AZ 85215
Legal Advisor:
Ronald G. Compton
Advisory Committee:
Bradley R. Clauson
Contact Us
Contact Form
Shootout for Sunshine Event Committee:
Tom Sitzman (Director), Sherrie L. Cavalari, Danny Dingman, Bradley C Downing, D.O., Kim Hansen, Monique Harris, Gary Ingle, Renie Scibona, Lois Yates, Hal Khalaf