Get Ready.
Get Set.

Registration: 6:30AM & 11: 30AM
Shotgun Starting Times: 7:30AM & 1PM
About Us
For Sunshine
Longbow Golf Course, East Valley Charities and Sunshine Acres Children’s Home are happy to announce the return of the Shootout for Sunshine Golf Tournament. Show your support by coming out and golfing or by donating to help support Sunshine Acres. Join us in getting back to fun events like this golf tournament. We appreciate your support!
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Sunshine Acres
About Us
East Valley
East Valley Charities is a non-profit organization, which sole purpose is to raise needed funds for Sunshine Acres Children’s Home. Each member of East Valley Charities is a volunteer and there is no paid staff.
The 2017 golf tournament was the East Valley Charities’ was another successful fund-raising event for Sunshine Acres Children’s Home! Their efforts resulted in completely funding the installation of a beautiful new aquatic center for Sunshine Acres. Because of their dedication and commitment to enriching the lives of the children in our care, East Valley Charities has raised more than $1,000,000 for Sunshine Acres Children’s Home over a span of more than 21 years!
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