Shootout for Sunshine

25TH Annual

Shootout for Sunshine Acres Golf Tournament

Thursday, May 8, 2025

Get Ready.

Get Set.


Enjoy a day of golf, all designed to support Sunshine Acres Children’s Home!


Registration: 6:30AM & 11: 30AM

Shotgun Starting Times: 7:30AM & 1PM

About Us


For Sunshine

Longbow Golf Course, East Valley Charities and Sunshine Acres Children’s Home are happy to announce the return of the Shootout for Sunshine Golf Tournament. Show your support by coming out and golfing or by donating to help support Sunshine Acres. Join us in getting back to fun events like this golf tournament. We appreciate your support!

Fill out my online form.

Miracle Gift

East Valley Charities (EVC) hosts the annual Shootout for Sunshine golf tournament fund-raiser for Sunshine Acres Children’s Home every year at Longbow Golf Club. Last year EVC raised more than $70,000 at the tournament that was donated to Sunshine Acres for the children’s new pool. Our beautiful new aquatic center opened in April 2018, just in time for the summer. Sunshine Acres is blessed to receive this miracle gift for the children in our care. Thank you, East Valley Charities, Longbow Golf Club and Platinum Pools & Spas, for your continuing support and outstanding contributions.

Buy A Tile

The legacy of love tiles for our miracle wall are available to purchase in three sizes. Please click the button on the left for more information and the order form.


Sunshine Acres

Sunshine Acres is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 charity organization which provides a loving, Christian home for needy children. Rev. James and Vera Dingman opened Sunshine Acres in 1954 and since then, more than 1,900 children have called Sunshine Acres their home. As a nonprofit, Sunshine Acres receives no government support for the care of the children, relying on private donations by individuals, corporations and organizations like East Valley Charities which hold fundraising events for the home.

About Us

East Valley


East Valley Charities is a non-profit organization, which sole purpose is to raise needed funds for Sunshine Acres Children’s Home. Each member of East Valley Charities is a volunteer and there is no paid staff.

The 2017 golf tournament was the East Valley Charities’ was another successful fund-raising event for Sunshine Acres Children’s Home! Their efforts resulted in completely funding the installation of a beautiful new aquatic center for Sunshine Acres. Because of their dedication and commitment to enriching the lives of the children in our care, East Valley Charities has raised more than $1,000,000 for Sunshine Acres Children’s Home over a span of more than 21 years!

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